Facebook has not released a number of fake accounts deleted in the 2nd quarter of 2020.

No, Facebook will not delete your account. However, it is possible for them to suspend your account if you violate their terms of service.

There are many fake Facebook accounts. It is hard to estimate how many fake accounts exist because it is difficult to determine what counts as a fake account. For example, some people may have more than one account for different purposes.

Facebook accounts can be deactivated and reactivated, and it is not possible to delete a Facebook account.

Facebook does not delete duplicate accounts, but they do disable them. You can report an account as a duplicate if it is impersonating you or your business.

Facebook deletes spam accounts and posts. If you suspect that someone is spamming your page, you can report the post or account to Facebook for review.

It is possible that your account is still visible to others because you have not deleted it from their profiles. You can ask them to delete the account from their profile, or you can contact Facebook and ask them to delete your account for you.

If your Facebook account is deleted, then all of the information and content that you have uploaded to the service will be removed. This includes profile pictures, status updates, messages, and any other content that you have shared on Facebook. However, if you have made any friends or connections on Facebook who is still using the service, they will not be notified when your account is deleted.

You can use the “People search” or “Search Friends” option to find out if someone has deleted their Facebook account.

No, fake accounts are not allowed on Facebook. The site has a few types of accounts that are not allowed. For example, you cannot create an account for someone else. You also cannot create an account with misleading information like creating an account with someone else’s name or likeness without their permission.