Laws as we know them have been put in place for the proper functioning of our society. Therefore ensuring that these systems are run accordingly is extremely important to the success and development of this society. And to ensure this, some rules and regulations may appear trivial but must be followed properly.

So yes, under the law 18 U. S. C. 1725, something as trivial as putting a note in somebody’s mailbox could land you up in some trouble, especially if your neighbor is a stickler for the rules. The Mailbox, as you will no doubt be aware, is for the use of the US Mail department only. Hence any interference in this practice is considered in the eyes of the law as illegal.

There are different instances where something of this nature may occur in your neighborhood. Whether it is simply informing your neighbors of a party or redirecting a few mails meant for a house down the street, the law sees all of it as the illegal use of the government’s resources.

Types of Offenses

Redirecting Stray Mail 

Despite the onset of technology, misplaced mail is a common occurrence. And often enough the Good Samaritan that you are, you take the effort to correct that by placing the mail in the right box. Well, I am here to tell you that that is considered illegal by the government, although it may be overlooked considering your intention. However, on the off chance that your neighbor wants to stick it to you, this could very easily be used to proposition a fine.

The proper method, therefore, is to either inform the mailman of the mix-up or indicate the correct address on the mail.  

Putting Fliers or Notes 

While you might still get away with your act of kindness in the previous case, this is a strict “no-no”. Given that a mailbox is strictly federal property. Using it as a way to pass along notes, posters, flyers, or any other such objects is against the law of the land. Neighbors are encouraged to report this to the proper authorities, who will then proposition you with a fine.

Therefore, the proper way to distribute such promotional items or any items for that matter, is to hand them over to the rightful owner in person. In cases where your neighbor is out of town or unavailable at their house, it is always advisable to either leave it at the door or come back another time based on your urgency. Either way, it is not advisable to use the mailbox to get your message through.

The Repercussions 

As mentioned earlier, crime at this level is usually only punishable by a fine. However, depending on the gravity of the situation, this may vary from incident to incident. Under the large umbrella of the legalities around “Mail Tampering”, The USPS Domestic Mail Manual indicates that willfully violating rules around the mailbox, like stealing or obstructing mail, will see fines up to $250000. With petty incidents such as using the mailbox for fliers and posters going up to a fine of $5000. 


Therefore, while it may be easy or logical to use a mailbox to spread information about a party or promote whatever it is you want to promote. It is still very much against the law. Needless to say, subjecting the mailbox to petty pranks and other activities which may potentially damage it is frowned upon, since vandalizing federal property is not looked upon by the government with any sympathy. Hence all owners or rather protectors of their mailboxes should utilize it for one thing and one thing only, the dispatching and collecting of US mail.

Is it ok to stick promotional stickers around the mailbox?

The mailbox as mentioned in the article earlier is the property of the Us Government and therefore any tampering with it is considered against the law. This may entail damaging it or stealing from it and in your case sticking posters or stickers around it.

Is it a crime to decorate the mailbox?

While you may be the owner of the land the Mailbox sits on, the mailbox in itself is the property of the government, and therefore any modification however harmless they may be is not allowed. 

How do I report any suspicious activity around my mailbox?

Any suspicious activity in the mailbox must be immediately reported to the authorities. Whether you suspect someone stealing your mail or vandalizing it, it is important to report the crime to either the USPS or the police. Once informed the concerned authorities will handle the issue appropriately.