A previous expert footballer has been recognized as the survivor of a deadly bluff bouncing misfortune while his family looked on.


Mourad Lamrabatte was an extended get-away with his better half and youngsters in Santa Ponsa, close to Magaluf, when he chose to jump off an enormous 35-meter precipice into the lake beneath.

Is Mourad Lamrabatte Video On Reddit? Mourad Lamrabatte Video isn’t accessible on Reddit at the present time. The video has been transferred on the stage however has been erased.

His significant other caught this on record and shouted, “good gracious,” as he plunged in.

As per sources, Lamrabatte suffocated on the grounds that he was just semi-cognizant in the water as opposed to from wounds brought about from the fall.

Lamrabatte was holiday with his family in Mallorca when he endeavored a 35-meter bounce into the water at the foundation of certain bluffs.

Was Mourad Lamrabatte A Spanish Cliff Driver? No, Mourab Lamrabatte is certainly not a Spanish precipice driver any longer.

He was a Former Vitesse football player. Vitesse gave the accompanying assertion: Vitesse has gotten the terrifying news that Mourad Lamrabatte has died.

The previous Jong Vitesse striker has recently turned 31.”He wore the club tones during the 2010/2011 season when he was an individual from the U23 group that won the U23 cup.

He scored in a first-group presentation game in July 2010.”The bluff jumping video of Mourad Lamrabatte has turned into a web sensation on the web. It is famous on the web.

Tragically his wife filmed the incident. 😢 pic.twitter.com/HXaDbZOQPo

— Football Tweet ⚽ (@Football__Tweet) May 19, 2022

How Did Mourad Lamrabatte Die? Lamrabatte died in light of the fact that he was just semi-cognizant in the water. He was executing the accomplishment in Iceland when he died unexpectedly.

Lamrabatte should be visible looking over the precipice face prior to sending off himself off the end in a video taken by his own accomplice.

The trick finished in fiasco when the 31-year-old tumbled to his demise in the wake of slamming into rocks on his way down.

At the point when expression of Lamrabatte’s awkward demise spread, numerous people offered their appreciation web based, including his previous club.