Murad is a good brand and uses naturally derived ingredients to make their skin care products, they do not support or do testing on animals which makes the brand cruelty-free. Murad does not test their constituents or skincare products on animals by themselves or ask a third party to test their products on their behalf. Neither their supplier’s test products on animals nor do they allow them to test their products even when required by the law. Murad products are not sold in countries like mainland China, where animal testing is required. All these make the brand completely cruelty-free.

Is Murad a good brand?

Murad is one of the best brands available in the market and giving an honest answer about Murad being a good brand takes us straight to yes. Murad is one of the good brands that provide the best skin care products and the ingredients used are derived from nature. The brand is cruelty-free, that is they do not test their products on animals.

What does it mean when they say cruelty-free?

We have been hearing this term cruelty-free every time we rush into the market. Nowadays the term is getting popular and people are going behind cruelty-free and vegan products. We should know what these mean since these products we use daily can do a lot to our skin and it is our responsibility to keep our skin safe and to be healthy. Let us now see what it means when they say cruelty-free.

A product is said to be cruelty-free if that follows the following points,

The brand does not test its products on animals. The brand does not use ingredients derived from animals in its products. The brand does not use ingredients that can be tested on animals and are harmful to animals. The brand does not allow others or any third party to test their products on animals on their behalf even when required by the l

Murad`s Cruelty-free policy

Murad does not test any of their skincare products or their constituents on animals and they only use ingredients that have not been tested on animals. They only test their products on humans. They sell their products in Hong Kong but not in mainland China and this is because in mainland China the products have to be tested on animals when required by the law. Thus these products are not sold in countries where animal testing is required by the law. 

Murad`s parent company and their current cruelty-free position

Murad is owned by Unilever. Unilever tests their products on animals but Murad does not. According to PETA’s official website, Unilever is working toward regulatory changes to reduce the number of animals used for testing. 

As of 2021, the current cruelty-free status of Murad is CRUELTY-FREE with a disclaimer that their parent company (Unilever) is not cruelty-free.

Is Murad Vegan?

Murad products are not 100% vegan but their products can be used by vegans. Most of their tropical products are formulated without animal byproducts but a few of the products use a trace of beeswax, honey, and marine-derived constituents. This is what the company claims and which is true.

Murad is in the market since 1989 and it was founded by Dr.Murad. As far as we have seen their cruelty-free policies, it confirms that the brand is cruelty-free and safe on the skin. They do not sell their products in countries where animal testing is required and when asked by the law. The brand is not truly vegan since they use a trace of animal-derived components in their products still they are completely safe on the skin. If you are giving a lot to the skin then go for Murad products which are completely safe and cruelty-free.  

Is Murad skincare range cruelty-free and vegan?

Murad is cruelty-free and they do not test their ingredients and 

skincare products on animals but it is not 100% vegan.

  1. Does Murad test on animals?

No, they do not test their products on animals even when required by 

the law.

  1. Are Murad products naturally derived?

Most of their products are naturally derived but they use a trace of 

animal by-products and so they are not completely vegan.