Despite the risk, we can understand why some parts of the country are eager to end the lockdown and open up business. The unemployment rate is nearly 15% across America, which is the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Tap or click here to see which companies are still hiring in spite of the pandemic. Ultimately, not every state has been impacted by COVID-19 the same way, which is why staggered reopenings are happening at different times. Whether or not a state is ready to reopen depends on several critical factors. These three maps will show you if your state is ready to reopen, and if it is already, what risks may be in store for citizens.

When you hear the word “map,” you might think of a geographical or political map showing locations and places. This data-centric map from, however, plots out what the future of the COVID-19 pandemic may look like. In the chart above, you can see the rationale behind states pushing to reopen: declining deaths per day. This is a good sign, and the fact that it’s happening nationally means that our curve-flattening efforts have been effective thus far. Tap or click here to see why you should continue to stay home as much as possible. But, scroll a bit further below and you’ll see a number that has not declined: total case fatalities. This number will continue to go up until deaths stop occurring from the disease. Beyond this, you’ll also see charts that show resource availability throughout the country, which includes hospital beds, ventilators and ICU space.

Total cases and hotspots state-by-state

If you’re looking for data as it relates to your home state, this hotspot map from the “New York Times” has you covered. Not only can you see where specific hotspots are in the country, but you can also zoom in closer to see how your local counties are being affected by the spread of the virus. In addition to total cases, you can also break down fatality totals and per capita cases, which shows you how each state is affected proportionally. If your state is one of the biggest hotspots like New Jersy or Maryland, you might want to hold off from visiting crowded retail outlets (if the state even reopens soon, that is).

COVID-19 projections

COVIDActNow‘s map was created with the help of Stanford and Georgetown University and shows the specific risk factors faced by each state as it reopens. Based on available data like declining death or case rates, each state is assigned a color that shows whether or not they’re in danger of a second wave should it reopen prematurely. Comparing data between states like Montana and Arizona, you’ll see that Montana is given a green for “Go.” This is because Montana is not only sparsely populated, testing is widespread and active cases are on the decline. Arizona, on the other hand, shows a stark increase in cases while testing is less available than it is in Montana. Weighing the risks of both states, you’ll see Arizona is in much worse shape to reopen than Montana. However, Arizona’s available ICU beds do appear to be able to support a surge in new hospitalizations. Unlike other high-risk states, this may prove to its advantage. As you can see, all of these data points are weighed in tandem to determine the risk faced by each state. Because geography and population density vary widely between the different regions of our country, there is likely no one-size-fits-all solution. But if state governments choose to take a different course of action, this map can help you decide whether or not its worth breaking social distancing or leaving your home for all but essential trips. Tap or click here to see surefire ways to prevent yourself from catching COVID-19. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, advice, or health objectives.