“ Letting go of unrealistic expectations and embracing imperfection” is the motto of Ouai. The prestige hair care brand actively works towards giving people the confidence they seek. Ouai offers its customers a wide range of hair, body, and fragrance products that are manufactured using top-notch ingredients. Using Ouai boosts up an individual’s regimen of self-care. Ouai is renowned for offering high-quality and carefully formulated products that are well suited for an individual’s hair type and goals.

In the present times as people have become more aware and educated about the cruel tests inflicted upon animals, they place a huge emphasis on a company’s animal testing policy. Cruelty-free skincare is a concern for many people whether it is just to garner information or to buy a company’s product. Be it an old and established or a new and elementary brand, everyone is under the radar of scrutiny. 

Founded by Jen Atkin, hailed as “the most influential hairstylist in the world, Ouai has always been a cruelty-free brand. It is the ‘pick me up’ your hair has been waiting for. OUAI has firmly established that they do not test their products or ingredients on animals nor do they get other third-party members to run the tests on their behalf. 

A third party is an external company that might or might not be under the brand. Their suppliers also refrain from testing on animals. Suppliers are those who sell raw materials to the brand. They strictly do not allow their products to be sold in countries where testing on animals is a requirement by law. However, Ouai is not certified cruelty-free by any organizations like the Leaping Bunny.

Acquisition of Ouai by P and G

Ouai was taken over by the multinational giant Procter and Gamble and will now be seated beside P and G’s popular brands Herbal Essences, Pantene, Aussie, and Head & Shoulder. The prestige haircare brand is expected to be headed by its founder and CEO, Jen Atkins. Atkins enjoys the surge in popularity and is delighted about this relationship with the beauty heavyweight. She views it as an opportunity to realize the company’s potential to untold heights with the global conglomerate backing them. Though P and G is not a cruelty-free brand, it allows Ouai to continue with its out-of-the-box ideas. Having added Ouai to their beauty portfolio, P and G do not intend on changing their animal testing policies. It is a highly connected and authenticated brand which is beautiful, clean, sustainable, and effective. Hence, Ouai will remain cruelty-free. These important values will not be compromised. 

Animal Testing Laws in Mainland China

As of 2022, animal testing is lawfully required for the sale of most imported cosmetics in Mainland China. This is a necessity for selling products in physical retail shops. OUAI has confirmed that they do not sell their products in retail stores in mainland China. Pre-market animal testing is needed for all imported beauty products. Post-market testing on animals is also done in case a customer complaint is received. Note that these rules do not apply to products sold in stores at airports and in Hong Kong SAR. However, a company may sell its products online and ship them to mainland China without having them tested on animals.

Countries Ouai Ships To

From their mainstream branch in the US, Ouai has expanded its business and now ships to different countries across the globe. Ouai now ships its products to,

The U. S The U. K CanadaAustralia

If you are from the United States, visit theouai.com for shipping. 

Animal testing is not practiced in any of the locations where Ouai ships. This is a decision taken by the company to protect its views on being cruelty-free.


Ouai, a haircare brand, has been dishing out some of the best products seen by the industry as a whole for a considerable amount of time. Despite it being a luxury brand it is quite affordable. Ouai breathes new life into your hair and body and rejuvenates them. Whilst OUAI acknowledges the importance of customer safety, the brand also believes this can be satisfactorily attained without harming animals. For regular updates follow their Instagram handle @theouai. 

1. Where does Ouai sell its merchandise?

  1. Does Ouai use parabens, sulfates, and phthalates in its products?

Ans: No. Ouai does not use parabens, sulfates, or phthalates in its products.

  1. What is the gold standard for being certified cruelty-free?

Ans: Approval from the Leaping Bunny program or PETA is the gold standard for being certified cruelty-free.

  1. Is Ouai non-comedogenic?

Ans: No, Ouai is not non-comedogenic. 

  1. How to recognize Ouai’s vegan products?

Ans: Ouai marks the products which are vegan on its website.