Petro gas is not top-tier. Top tier gasoline and the list of fuels of gas stations that meet the top tier requirement include Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, Gulf, Shell, Costco, Metro Petro, Texaco, etc.

Top-Tier Gas Standards

Simply stated Top Tier gasoline exceeds the low minimum standards for detergency established by the EPA (the United States Environmental Protection Agency). These additives inhibit the formation of deposits on fuel injectors, and in some cases intake valves. Note that this has nothing to do with octane or “premium grade” fuel. Many car manufacturers recommended a Top Tier fuel. Since fuel suppliers vary by region, the above Top Tier fuel suppliers will reveal those that are common to your region in the US. 

Requirements For a Gas Company to Be Considered Top Tier

As mentioned before, top-tier gas is the gasoline that exceeds minimum standards by a good margin and is approved by that organization, the EPA. The requirement for the law is super old and past due for improvements and the auto alliances claim that it should be upped for newer vehicles. The Top Tier stations already include better gasoline that has more agents and other things that makes gasoline better than the non-top tier from anywhere. 

Benefits Of Top Tier Gas Over Regular Gas

Fuel Efficiency: There are plenty of reasons why, but the fundamental benefit of using premium-grade fuel, is efficiency.

Every time you buy a vehicle, either new or second-hand, always conduct a little experiment where you try the car with several different grades of fuel in identical driving conditions. Without exception you will always find that premium, high-octane fuel gave significantly better economy than the cheaper alternatives. The increased range always exceeds the increased price.

Manufacturer Standards: top tier gas increases the MPG to a point where it is cheaper to buy high-octane gasoline than to purchase the lower-octane, cheaper, fuel. One should buy the octane rating which the engine is designed/modified for. Clean energy: It’s perhaps the best thing on the planet to keep your vehicle’s engine clean and running at its best. Many car companies highly suggest using it for maximum performance, mpg, & increasing its life. It costs almost nothing extra and will save you mega bucks in the long run. It works, and scientific facts back it up. If you use top-tier gas regularly you generally will not have to use any aftermarket fuel system cleaners.  

Top Tier Gasoline Vs Regular Gas

Most consider that unless your vehicle is specified by the manufacturer to run on premium unleaded, top-tier gas is just a waste of money. Back before EFI (electronic fuel injection), when cars used carburetors to mix the fuel and air, and had adjustable fire timing, sometimes you could tweak it to run better on premium.

How Top Tier Gas Is Distinct from Regular Gas?

Are all top-tier gasolines the same? Yes and No.

All gasoline has the same specifications, so all the gasoline leaving the refinery is the same. Each brand has a different additive package that is added to the gasoline when it is loaded into the delivery trucks at the truck rack at the terminal.

Top-tier gasoline contains about twice as much additive as non-top-tier gasoline.

Top-tier gasoline additives are not the same, but the differences are very slight. Car manufacturers test the Top Tier gasoline and assign the top tier label. 

If you have a fuel-injected car, you are better off using top-tier for most of your fuel.

The Making of Premium Top-Tier Gas

All the gas in your area comes from the same oil refineries. What sets them apart is the additives that are added as the gas is loaded in the tank trucks at the storage terminals. The companies usually send their own highly concentrated proprietary additives to the fuel storage terminals via tank trucks. This is done during refinery and fuel storage terminal maintenance.

In conclusion, most gas companies and brands like Shell, Chevron, Esso, etc. are top-tier gas. They take a lot of pride….and will advertise their detergency or have their signature additive name on the pump. 

Question 1: Is premium gas worth it?

It’s worth it if your car requires a premium. That means it has a high-compression engine that needs premium to prevent detonation. Now, most modern cars have knock sensors that will allow them to essentially dial down the power produced by the engine until it stops knocking, so in those cars, you’d probably not do any long-term damage. 

Question 2: Which Gas Companies Are Not Top Tier?

gas store brands gas like Safeway, 7 eleven, Petro gas etc. are not top-tier gas as they only use the cheapest generic additive that the government requires.